About your feet...

Why are there so many foot problems in our society?

The US Public Health Service estimates that 87% of the population has a foot related problem.  Yet, according to a survey of 1,013 people in April 2000 by the American Podiatric Medical Association,

61% of respondents had never seen a doctor for a foot problem and

41% believe “it is normal for feet to hurt some times”. 

But foot pain is not normal, and neither are the foot related problems that include the knee, hip, back, and neck pain that comes from incorrect body alignment.

The foot is a complex structure that contains 26 bones (1/4 of all the bones in the body), 33 articulations, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles and tendons.   It was designed to help early man walk barefoot over uneven terrain. 

Today things are different as the following facts will suggest:


bullet Many of us spend most of our day walking or standing on hard, unyielding surfaces.
bullet Feet change with age, spreading and losing the fatty padding that cushions and protects the bottom of the feet.
bullet In preparation for pregnancy, a woman’s ligaments and tendons will stretch in preparation for the baby’s delivery. Since your feet are part of your body the plantar fasciae (the long ligaments attached to the heel bone in the rearfoot and the five metatarsal bones in the forefoot) of a woman’s foot become elongated, which changes the way your foot works while walking.
bullet When walking, pressure on the feet can exceed body weight; when running, the pressure can be three to four times a person’s weight.
bullet 77% of postural pain patients who had found no relief from any of multiple forms of treatment and were considered to be at or near medical endpoint, demonstrated 50% to 100% improvement over a two-year period when gait style (the way a person walks) was addressed.
bullet The average person takes about 5,000 to 8,000 steps in one day.

If a shoe has a heel higher than two inches, the mechanics of the foot while walking are disrupted since your heel lifts off the ground about only two inches during the gait cycle.


Shoes are often designed for looks rather than function and our feet pay the price.


In many cases these problems can be helped by providing your foot with support and helping it to stay in its normal position throughout the day.  To learn more about what Alznner arch support can do and how it works, click on the link "How They Work".